Nurturing Me
Turns out, nurture is self-care on steroids, a cycle of reflection and response, deep listening to the body’s voice.
Turns out, nurture is self-care on steroids, a cycle of reflection and response, deep listening to the body’s voice.
Self-respect is knowing and trusting ourselves and then holding our boundaries. When we know ourselves well, we uphold our self-view in a centred, grounded way.
2021 left its mark. I’ve talked to enough people to know that I’m not alone in this, either. We collectively felt the strain of carrying our lives in ongoing isolation when we were already tired and sad.
I’m launching a new project soon. To be honest, it’s much more than a project. It’s a very big endeavour and it’s going to involve a lot of people. I am so excited. The funny thing is, though, I’ve been inundated with thoughts that who I am is not good enough to launch this endeavour.
I hear one of two things from you after Mind-Body Healing (INside-OWT) appointments. First, you often feel profound lightness, gratitude, or relief from the emotional burden you came in with. I love it. I light up with joy when I hear this. I know what it’s like to have those kinds of results. Other times, I hear that you felt great for a week or so, and then some old thought patterns and emotions arose.…
The strangest thing has been happening to me lately. I will position myself on my yoga mat and slowly begin to stretch. Maybe immediately, maybe a few poses in, I begin to hear words. “I am loved.”
In my last post, I talked about what to do when your life is disrupted in a major way. My top suggestion was to find support in any way possible and that you may need to be vulnerable to do so. I’ve felt dissatisfied since writing it though. There are so many types of disruptive changes and so many ways to move through them. There is no universal formula.
Sometimes life comes in like a tsunami, all ferocity, waves, and weight. One can’t help but get knocked off their feet. Suddenly, the roadmap of life no longer makes sense. Are you up or down? Your feet aren’t touching solid ground, so how can you determine whether you’re hovering over grass, rocks, or a chasm?